Prof. Bryan T. Adey and Hossein Nasrazadani presented at the Meet and Share your Research Day 2022!

On 26 October, the Association of Scientific Staff of the D-BAUG invited all students, researchers and professors to the annual meeting of the department. Selected case studies were used to show how engineering research at D-BAUG contributes in many ways to addressing societal and global challenges. The keynote lectures were given by Professors Bryan Adey and Adrienne Grêt-Regamey.
The Chair of Infrastructure Management takes part in the E-Bike-City Lighthouse project at ETH Zurich!

What if 50 percent of the existing urban road space was allocated to e-bikes and the slow modes? How would this change our daily lives? How many CO2 emissions could this save? These questions are at the core of “E-Bike City”, a lighthouse project of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG) at ETH Zurich. Prof. Bryan T. Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management is one of seven professorships that will address these questions over the next three years.
New publication from Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad and Yuchuan Jin in the Journal of Infrastructure Systems!

Prof Bryan Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management congratulates Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad and Yuchuan Jin on the publication of the article "Estimating the Values of Missing Data Related to Infrastructure Condition States Using Their Spatial Correlation".
We warmly welcome our new PhD student Simon Hässig!

Simon Hässig joined the Chair of Infrastructure Management in October. He will work together with Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey, Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad, Dr. Rade Hajdin and Josia Meier on the MINERVA project.
We warmly welcome our new PostDoc Rossella Marmo!

Rossella Marmo has joined Prof. Bryan Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management this October as a new postdoc.
New publication from Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad in the Journal of Infrastructure Systems!

Prof Bryan Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management congratulates Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad on the publication of the article "Prioritizing Road Network Restorative Interventions Using a Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization" in the Journal of Infrastructure Systems.
We warmly welcome our new PhD student Josia Meier!

Josia Meier joined the Chair of Infrastructure Management in October. He will work together with Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey, Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad, Dr. Rade Hajdin and Simon Hässig on the MINERVA project.