Steven Yu-Pang Chuo

Steven Yu-Pang Chuo

Steven Yu-Pang Chuo

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-BAUG

ETH Zürich


HIL F 24.2

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5

8093 Zürich


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Research area

  • Process analysis of railway intervention planning
  • Estimation of current asset states with incomplete data sets
  • Prediction of future asset states and their associated levels of uncertainty
  • Digitalization and automation of integrated train schedule and intervention planning process

Steven Chuo is a Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Infrastructure Management. His research work focuses on data and process analysis to enable digitalized railway intervention planning.

Steven received his BASc in Civil Engineering with Honours at the University of Waterloo in 2018, along with an Option in Management Sciences and a Certificate in Structural Engineering. During his undergraduate studies he participated in the co-operative program, accumulating two years of professional experience in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry from both private and public sectors.

Over the course of his master's research program at the University of Waterloo, he developed robust discrete-event simulation models of the prefabrication process of pipe spool assembly. The goal of his research was to reduce rework associated with traditional fabrication processes in the construction industry, and to improve worker productivity and overall system efficiency. He received his MASc in 2020.

Prior to join­ing the Chair at the ETH, Steven worked in risk con­sult­ing for AE­COM Canada, act­ing as an ad­visor for AEC pro­jects in the area of risk man­age­ment, in­clud­ing but not lim­ited to con­duct­ing formal risk as­sess­ments, de­vel­op­ing and or­gan­iz­ing ac­tion­able risk mit­ig­a­tion strategies, as well as provid­ing de­cision sup­port for agree­ments between pro­ject stake­hold­ers. Pro­jects he worked on in­clude rail­way safety and risk man­age­ment, as well as pro­gram man­age­ment of rail­way in­fra­struc­ture ex­pan­sion.


Since Membership
2021 Swiss So­ci­ety of En­gin­eers and Ar­chi­tects (SIA)
2019 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)
2015 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Additional information

Selected Publications

Mehranfar, H., Adey, B. T., & Chuo, S. (2024). Improvements in providing overviews of future bridge interventions, their possession windows, and costs. In J. S. Jensen, D. M. Frangopol, & J. W. Schmidt (Eds.), Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Digitalization and Sustainability (pp. 1471-1478). CRC Press. Link.

Chuo, S., Elshani, G., Mehranfar, H., & Adey, B. T. (2024). Connecting predictive algorithms to BIM to improve the planning process. In J. S. Jensen, D. M. Frangopol, & J. W. Schmidt (Eds.), Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Digitalization and Sustainability (pp. 1479-1486). CRC Press. Link.

Mehranfar, H., Adey, B. T., Moghtadernejad, S., & Chuo, S. (2023). Automated early estimation of bridge interventions, possession windows and costs. Infrastructure Asset Management, 40, 1-17. Link.

Mehranfar, H., Adey, B. T., Chuo, S., & Moghtadernejad, S. (2023). Efficient early estimates of bridge interventions: costs, required possession times and associated failure risks. In F. Biondini & D. M. Frangopol (Eds.), Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems (pp. 2112-2119). CRC Press. Link.

Chuo, S., Moghtadernejad, S, Adey, B. T., & Mehranfar, H. (2023). Estimation of bridge component condition states with varying data availability. In F. Biondini & D. M. Frangopol (Eds.), Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems (pp. 2120-2127). CRC Press. Link.


Presentations and Posters

Chuo, S., Zeindl, E., Mehranfar, H., & Adey, B. T. (2024, September 10-12). Connecting BIM to the railway intervention planning process [Abstract presentation]. TU Munich Georg Nemetschek Institute Symposium & Expo on Artificial Intelligence for the Built World, Munich, Germany. Link.

Chuo, S., Mehranfar, H., & Adey, B. T. (2024, September 4). Potential improvements to the intervention planning process through digitalisation [Presentation]. Arup seminar on the topic "Estimating future preventive bridge interventions and the consequences of postponemnet", Online. Link.

Mehranfar, H., Chuo, S., Moghtadernejad, S., & Adey, B. T. (2024, May 29). STABILITY: Improving railway intervention planning through digitalisation [Poster session]. Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) Symposium 2024, Zurich, Switzerland. Link.

Mehranfar, H., Chuo, S., Burkhalter, M., Moghtadernejad, S., & Adey, B. T. (2023, June 6). Digitally supported intervention planning process [Poster session]. Center for Sustainable Future Mobility Symposium (CSFM) 2023, Zurich, Switzerland. Link

Mehranfar, H., Chuo, S., Burkhalter, M., Moghtadernejad, S., & Adey, B. T. (2022, May 6). Digitally supported intervention planning process [Poster session]. Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) Kick-off Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland. Link.

Chuo, S., Moghtadernejad, S, Adey, B. T., & Mehranfar, H. (2021, October 25-26). Predicting future deterioration of bridge components using a range of data sources [Presentation]. Système de Gestion Optimisée de Maintenance des Infrastructures SGOMI, Sierre, Switzerland. Link.


Teaching Assistant

Infrastructure Management 1: Process (since Autumn Semester 2021)


Master's Thesis Supervision

  • HS 2023: Connecting BIM to the railway intervention planning process
  • FS 2022 (6 months): Connecting future predictions of railway assets to BIM (exchange student from TU Munich)
  • HS 2022 (6 months): Connecting future predictions of railway assets to BIM (exchange student from TU Munich)
  • FS 2022 (6 months): Evaluation and optimization of the copper recycling processes at the SBB recycling centre (exchange student from D-MTEC)
  • FS 2022: Modeling the infrastructure management process of a small railway network (winner of the Helbling Prize)


Master's Project Supervision

  • HS 2024: Estimation of the consequences of a weir blockage using Bayesian networks
  • FS 2024: Connecting future predictions on road tunnels to BIM
  • HS 2023: Connecting future predictions on road bridges to BIM
  • FS 2023: Connecting future predictions on road bridges to BIM (2 students)
  • FS 2023: Establishing the type and exactness of information to be communicated between intervention planners and train schedulers in the intervention planning process
  • HS 2022: Connecting future predictions of railway assets to BIM


Bachelor's Thesis Supervision

  • FS 2022: Estimation of financial needs and condition of infrastructure objects for a small railway network (6 students)
  • HS 2021: Estimation of financial needs and condition of water pipes in Uster


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