Infrastructure Management Group holds presentation at this years colloquium by SGOMI FRQNT
The Infrastructure Management group is attending the 3rd workshop on effective management of infrastructure, organized by the SGOMI FRQNT team this coming week.

The SGOMI FRQNT was launched to help managers make more informed economic and strategic decisions for infrastructure maintenance planning. The workshop will be held on October 25th and 26th in Technopôle, Sierre; and Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey, Hamed Mehranfar, Steven Chuo and Saviz Moghtadernejad will each give a presentation related to optimizing the infrastructure management procedure.
25 October:
- “Requirements for the development of an operations research
supported methodology for the dynamic planning of construction
and maintenance activities on railway networks.”
Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey
- “Estimating Railway Bridge Interventions for Specific Planning
Periods Using Digital Support.”
Hamed Mehranfar
26 October
- “Estimating the Values of Missing Data Related to Infrastructure
Condition States Using their Spatial Correlation.”
Saviz Moghtadernejad
- “Predicting future deterioration of bridge components using a
range of data sources.”
Steven Chuo
The Infrastructure Management Group mission is to improve the construction and management of infrastructure. For more information visit our webpage