New publication by the Chair of Infrastructure Management in the journal Infrastructure Asset Management
Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management is pleased to announce that the article “Transforming Scottish water’s asset management to ensure sustainable investment decisions" has been recently published in the journal Infrastructure Asset Management.

The article explains how external page Scottish Water, a water and wastewater management organisation, is transforming its asset management to ensure sustainable investment decisions, i.e., stakeholder aligned, transparent and evidence-based investment decisions. This includes identification of the main types of investment decisions and the main areas of work required to ensure the decisions are made with the right data and analytics, and with the right engagement with stakeholders. We also share Scottish Water’s reasons for embarking on the 10-year transformation and its vision for the future, as well as our experiences. The main take aways in year 5 of the transformation are that:
- there is no one size fits all blueprint for a transformation,
- modelling and understanding the organisational decision-making processes is an important step in transforming asset management,
- transparency as to the data used to develop analytical models, how the analytical models work, and which of the costs, benefits and risks are considered is likely to identify that not all decision-makers are fully aware of the limitations of the data and analytical models used in decision-making, and
- the engagement and long-term commitment of both internal and external stakeholders is essential in a successful transformation.
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