The IM Group takes charge of this year's IPA (Interdisciplinary Project Activity)!

Prof. Bryan Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management is taking over the organization for this year's Interdisciplinary Project Activity (IPA), which is part of the Master's Degree in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems.

Picture of the IPA Group

Last week the semester at ETH Zurich started. Unlike in previous years, Prof. Adey's IM group made a side trip to Wetzikon, Zurich. This is the study area for students in the Master's program in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems as part of this year's interdisciplinary project activity. This project, which includes 16 ECTS, is a cornerstone of the program in which students gain valuable experience in creating a visionary planning concept and development strategy for the city of Wetzikon and propose concrete measures to implement the vision.

This year, we invited the Federal Office of Transportation, the Office of Mobility, and the City of Wetzikon to present on the impact of regional infrastructure and the challenges and opportunities for cities like Wetzikon, with contributions ranging from a larger level of detail to the intricacies of urban and local transportation planning. After the presentations in the morning, the students experienced the surrounding area firsthand during a bicycle excursion in the afternoon.

Picture of one of the presentations

The Infrastructure Management Group mission is to improve the construction and management of infrastructure. For more information visit our webpage

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