The IM Group takes charge of this year's IPA (Interdisciplinary Project Activity)!

Prof. Bryan Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management is taking over the organization for this year's Interdisciplinary Project Activity (IPA), which is part of the Master's Degree in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems.
We warmly welcome our new academic guest Zhibin Hu to the IM team!

Zhibin Hu has joined the Infrastructure Management group of Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey on 22 September 2023. The team extends a warm welcome to him!
Prof. Bryan Adey talks about the state of the Swiss infrastructure in an interview with SRF

In an interview with SRF (Schweizer Radio- und Fensehen) on the state of Swiss infrastructure buildings, Prof. Bryan Adey explains why Switzerland's infrastructure is in a very good condition and what the future challenges will be.