Design- och Konstruktionsdagen 2017

Prof. Dr. Adey presented his paper Consideration of Sustainability in the Management of Structures at The Structural Design Day in Goetheborg, Sweden on 27 November 2017.

by Ricarda Wellauer

Design- och konstruktionsdagen (The Structural Design Day) is an annual activity that aims at providing inspiration and incentives for design and engineering, reflecting the needs of modern societies for sound and sustainable development. The theme of 2017 is “Sustainable Design and Construction”, with focus on ways for different players in the building industry contribute to a sustainable society. DownloadRead more (PDF, 2.9 MB)

Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey presented the principles of how managers of structures should take sustainability into consideration in their decision making with respect to the existing infrastructure networks, which includes the construction, use, operation, maintenance and demolishment of individual objects. The basic principles are applicable at many different scales, from individual objects to entire networks. The results are easily and clearly explainable to all stakeholders, including politicians, concerned citizens infrastructure managers and engineers.

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