PhD students Hamed Mehranfar and Josia Meier participated in the Intervention Program Workshop at ETH Zurich!

Hamed Mehranfar and Josia Meier, doctoral students at Prof. Bryan Adey’s Chair of Infrastructure Management participated in the Intervention Program Workshop which took place on 18 April at ETH Zurich. 

Intervention Workshop Graphs

The workshop was organized by Prof. Bryan Adey (ETH Zurich), Prof. Maria Nogal (TU Delft) and Yuto Nakazato (Tohoku University).

During the workshop, Hamed Mehranfar elucidated his research on the determination of optimal component-level intervention programs for railway infrastructure networks. In addition, Josia Meier elaborated on his envisions to devising optimal intervention programs for road networks. The presentations were followed by a question-and-answer session, wherein both of them engaged with the audience and received insightful feedback on their respective works.


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