PhD student Hamed Mehranfar presents at the TRA2024!
PhD student Hamed Mehranfar, from Prof. Bryan T. Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management at ETH Zürich, presents at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.

The presentation will take place on Wednesday 17 April, 2024 at the Royal Dublin Society. Hamed Mehranfar will present on "Improving the planning of future track interventions using digital tools", which showcases a part of the STABILITY research project.
There, he elaborates on how railway asset managers can exploit digitalisation to generate an overview of component-level interventions, their costs, impacts on the service, and failure risk at the early phases of the intervention planning process.
More information on TRA2024 and the program can be found here:
external page TRA2024 program
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