New publication by PhD students Hamed Mehranfahr and Steven Chuo in the journal Infrastructure Asset Management!
Prof. Bryan T. Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management congratulates PhD students Hamed Mehranfahr and Steven Chuo on the publication of the article "Automated early estimation of bridge interventions, possession windows and costs” in the Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management!

In this article, PhD students Hamed Mehranfahr and Steven Chuo demonstrate how to use digitalisation and existing data to generate approximate overviews of required interventions 10-20 years ahead of time, including estimates of component-level bridge interventions, possession windows, likely costs, and the increases in failure risks if interventions are postponed. They demonstrate his by conducting an example with 41 bridges on a 25 km railway line in Switzerland. The algorithm generates a solid basis for the initiation of detailed investigations of the bridges by engineering offices, i.e., the investigations that result in the information required for scheduling an intervention, as well as estimating the type of intervention and track possession are required.
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