New publication by Dr Claudio Martani in the journal Infrastructure Asset Management!
Prof. Bryan T. Adey's Chair of Infrastructure Management congratulates former IM Member Dr Claudio Martani on the publication of the article "Preparing offices for the age of distributed work. Evaluating the impact of flexible designs in coping with the uncertain future demand for office space" in the Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management!

The article shows how the real options methodology can be used to model the uncertainty of future demand for office space and estimate its effect on stakeholders in the long-term to help ensure appropriate investment in flexibility of office space of office buildings. The methodology is tested on an example multi-story mixed-tenants office building in Zurich for which ten designs are proposed. The results indicate that flexible designs with movable walls to enable a periodic conversion of the unrented office space into co-working spaces, and with parceled technical elements to allow the conversion of long unrented office space into residential units, has considerable potential.
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