The IM Team says goodbye to our postdoc Rossella Marmo and our two guests Ying Song and Zihang Weng!

The Chair of Infrastructure Management bid farewell to our two academic guests Ying Song and Zihang Weng as well as our postdoc Rossella Marmo with a farewell aperitif at ETH Zurich and thanked them for their important contributions in the past year.

Picture of the whole Team at the aperitif

Rossella Marmo worked at the project named “Building Resilience in Health Infrastructure", which involves the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and four chairs at ETH Zurich (more info available at: Building Resilience in Health Infrastructure - Engineering Humanitarian Action ( Rossella and Prof. Bryan Adey developed a tool to assess hospital resilience in conflict-affected areas, which will help hospital managers and ICRC delegates identifying where to invest to ensure that the intervention will have the highest possible impact in terms of resilience.
She will join the University of Naples Federico II starting from November 2023 to contribute to the project named “Return - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changing climate (more info available at: Return Foundation ( Her goal is to deliver a monitoring strategy to reduce the impact of natural hazards on metropolitan areas with a focus on building technological elements.

Ying Song Ying Song joined the Infrastructure Management Group at the Institute of Construction & Infrastructure Management in 2022 to work with Dr. Rossella Marmo and Prof. Dr. Bryan Adey as an academic guest to further research on the building resilience in hospital infrastructure. Ying Song will continue her doctoral reserach in the department of project management atTongji University in China. The topic of her Ph.D. research is to optimize the hospital layout considering people’s and logistics’ flow, and measuring the logistics performance of internal hospitals.  

Zihang Weng Zihang joined the Infrastructure Management Group at the Institute of Construction & Infrastructure Management as an academic guest in 2022. Together with Prof. Dr. Bryan Adey and Dr. Saviz Moghtadernejad he worked on the COEUS project. The key task was to explore the sources of variability in road condition data. Zihang Weng will continue his doctoral reserach in the College of Transportation and Engineering at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. His research interests lie in the field of asphalt pavement condition assessment using emerging sensing technologies. His doctoral research focuses on the pavement skid-resistance evaluation using the 3D laser scanning data, exploring the influence mechanism of the multi-scale texture features, and building a domain-knowledge-based neural network model for skid resistance prediction.

The IM Team wishes all three of them the best for their future plans!

The Infrastructure Management Group mission is to improve the construction and management of infrastructure. For more information visit our webpage