We warmly welcome our new guest professor Maria Nogal!

Maria Nogal is visiting ETHZ to work with Prof. Dr Bryan Adey in the Infrastructure Management Group at the Institute of Construction & Infrastructure Management until the end of February.

Maria Nogal Macho

Maria Nogal is an Assistant Professor at TU Delft (Netherlands) in the section Integral Design and Management. She develops methods & tools to support decision-making in pressing real-world problems characterized by high complexity and uncertainty. During her stay, they are going to explore the assessment and management of resilient infrastructure systems paying special attention to the impact of climate change.

Besides working in the faculty of Civil Engineering of TU Delft, she is an Adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin, visiting lecturer at University College Dublin (Ireland) and a researcher of 4TU.Resilience Engineering (Netherlands).


The Infrastructure Management Group mission is to improve the construction and management of infrastructure. For more information visit our webpage

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